
See Example Code


Note: Nested looping is not yet supported... but I am planning on adding it soon (as well as other things)!

Supported Commands


  • forward or fd
    • Moves the turtle (n) spaces forward, defaults to 1.
  • back or bk
    • Moves the turtle (n) spaces backward, defaults to 1.
  • right or rt
    • Moves the turtle (n) spaces right, defaults to 1.
  • left or lt
    • Moves the turtle (n) spaces left, defaults to 1.
  • setx
    • Moves the turtle to the x coordinate.
  • sety
    • Moves the turtle to the y coordinate.


  • setpencolor or pc
    • Sets the pen color to the HEX color value or the supported colors.
    • Supported Colors HTML COLORS
  • setbackground or bkg
    • Sets the pen color to the HEX color value or the supported colors.
  • penup or pu
    • Drawing disabled, movement will not draw.
  • pendown or pd
    • Drawning enabled, movement will draw.
  • clearscreen or cs
    • Clear the canvas.


  • showturtle or st
    • Shows the turtle icon on the canvas.
  • hideturtle or ht
    • Hides the turtle icon on the canvas.


  • stop
    • Program halt.

If statements

  • if
    • If statements require a expression and a command bracket.
    • if &arg (expression) &arg2 [commands]
  • Expressions
    • Supported expressions are: <, >, ==, !=
Example code
if  :size > 30 [stop]

if :size < :othersize [ fd 20 rt 20 ]

if 10 == :othersize [ bk 20 ]

if :something != somethingelse [ penup hideturtle setx 200 ]

Math Operators

  • + or - or / or *
    • Currently basic math is supported.
Example Code
:somevar + 2 
; adds 2 to somevar

; multiplys n by 2

; divides n by 2

2 - :n 
; subtracts 2 by n 


  • repeat or rep
  • [ (Repeat block start)
  • ] (Repeat block end)
    • You must have 1 space after the [ and before the ].
Example Code
rep 10 [ fd 5 ] 


  • to
    • start of a function block
  • end
    • indicates the end of a function block
Example Code
to someFunction 
 fd 1

someFunction ;Calls function, simple, no arguments passed in


to someFunctionTwo :n
 fd :n

someFunctionTwo 2
;Calls function, passes in 2 for the :n arguments.


  • :
    • Just a colon, followed by the name of the variable, followed by the value.
Example Code
:somevar 5


  • ;
  • - Just a semicolon, followed by comments. Only works per line.
Example Code

; This is a comment